January 26, 2020

Moleskine 2020

Here is my 2020's Moleskine planner decoration!

To celebrate my 20th anniversary, I made this year's cover design extra special. Tried using gold metallic thread to stitch the design.

Moleskine Planner 2020

Metallic thread was much more difficult to stitch with.
Thread has main fiber in the middle but wrapped with plastic thread(metallic thread) so it causes to get stuck through the hole more often because it's not as flexible as normal embroidery threads.

- Moleskine Planner
- Transferable paper with design on it
- Stitching needle
- Sewing Awl or Ice Pick
- Metallic embroidery thread
- Pencil

Print out your design with mirror-flipped image.

Moleskine Planner 2020

Step 2:
On the back side of the mirror-flipped print out, use pencil to cover the whole page to make it transferable paper(img left).

Trace all the line drawing directly to the back side of the planner's front cover(img right).

Moleskine Planner 2020

Step 3:
With sewing awl, poke holes at stitching length following the transferred line drawing.

Moleskine Planner 2020

Moleskine Planner 2020

Step 4:
Stitch your design.
I would also recommend to make those stitching holes larger just so the metallic thread will go through easier.

Moleskine Planner 2020

And this is the final:

Moleskine Planner 2020

Moleskine Planner 2020

Moleskine Planner 2020

It's been 8 years now since I started using Moleskine planner.
This size has been great for me, what I love the most about using this planner is, I can doodle with their quality paper and plan my week at the same time. 

Moleskine Planner 2020

Please do take a look at my previous designs I did for these! (at least the ones I started with tutorials)
2016 Moleskine Planner
2017 Moleskine Planner
2018 Moleskine Planner
2019 Moleskine Planner

Moleskine Planner 2020
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January 20, 2020

20 Years After: Angel

One of big project I want to do this year is to go back to my old illustrations and redraw them to see side by side comparison!

As I mentioned in my last post, this year is my 20th anniversary of having my website. Having my website gave me motivation to do digital illustration at weekly bases during my high school. Looking back to my old work have given me new inspiration to see how I would interoperate with my current vision.

Starting first is my very first digital illustration I have colored in Photoshop back in 1999!
Back then I used to ink my drawings, scan, and then color. To color, as we all may have done it at early times, used lasso tool and constantly click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, to do the cell-shaded look. And there is a little bit of soft brush to add gradient to the eyes, halo and the mouth.

Stay tuned to see more redraws in the future!

Angel Before and After


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January 5, 2020

Happy 20 Years

It's crazy to say, it's been 20 YEARS since I had my website running!!

Everything started when I tried my first attempt to make homepage on Geocities. Web design has been one of my hobby so I have kept screenshots of my site layout and for the first time counting, I didn't realize I've made 30 DESIGNS in total.

I am curious to know if anyone who has followed me this long has recognized any of these websites(click here to see larger version):  

*Top left is oldest, bottom right is newest
Website layout of Kiddy Factory

What's most interesting about this journey is to see the changes made through this 20 years. Making homepage was a thing back in the 90s, then social community comes in with link exchange, Webrings, online art portfolio, then social media comes in with Myspace, Blog, Facebook, Instagram and so on.

Social media did change lot of things where I asked myself do I really need my own website still? As much as convenient it sounds to use social media apps, there's always time where I just wish to see everything I did in the past. It's like journal for art, I want everything lay out for me to look.

So for this year 2020, I want to focus on going back to my old artwork and redraw some of my favorite artwork to show before and after changes! This will be exciting project!!

Anyways here is my new web design for 2020. Everything is updated to current, and I've also updated my old artwork where the link was dead for a while.

Check out my website! yukikotsu.com
Follow my redraw challenges here: #kiddyfactory20th

Happy 2020!
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January 4, 2020

All art work, images, and photographs in this blog cannot be used without permission by Yukiko Otsu. Any blog post are welcome to share but must be credited and linked to original post.