Tim suggested steamed fish that his parents always make. Then I thought of making donburi out of it so I came up with a recipe that goes well with it. A Steamed fish following the Chinese dishes served, with boiled bok-choy drizzled with soy sauce and sesame oil and rice underneath it.
Another dish is have your own fish taco at home with homemade tortilla. Fish taco is fun to eat, you can pick any kind of topping you like, but we kept it simple for this recipe. Also try making your own tortillas, it's simple and super easy!! After trying this I can't go back to buying store made tortilla any more!
These are the two dishes we keep going back to.
Steamed Fish Donburi:
- finely chopped ginger(as many you want to steam the fish with)
- finely sliced green onion(as many you want to steam the fish with), leave some for garnish
- 4 filleted bass
- 4 tbsp of sesame oil, piping hot in a sauce pan
- 1 Bag of Shanghai Bok-Choy, boiled
- 2 bowl of rice
- soy sauce (for drizzling)
1. In a steamer, make a pouch with tin foil to lay filet with ginger and green onion on top. Drizzle with soy sauce. Steam until fish is tender(about 8min)
2. Have your bowl of rice ready, and lay boiled bok choy on top.
3. Add cooked fish on top of bok choy with ginger, green onion and remaining broth from the pouch.
4. Drizzle more with soy sauce.
5. Very lastly drizzle piping hot sesame oil across the fish.(Oil will splash so keep it safe when you're doing this)

Fish Taco with homemade tortilla:
- 4 filleted bass
- Fish and Crisp seasoning
1. Deep fry Fish until cooked
- 3 tomatoes, diced
- half onion, minced
- bunch of cilantro, chopped
- sliced lime
1. Season tomatoes and onion with pinch of: basil, oregano, sea salt, ground pepper, olive oil
Homemade Tortilla recipe:
click here

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