September 28, 2006


I've been away for a while~ let's see what I've been up to~

Sept 13
I had an oral surgery in my mouth. wo hoo~ Eventually I'm gonna be getting an artificial tooth so this was the first session. or first progress? I don't know which word to use~ I have this gap that's been there for so long that no one doesn't notice. I'm missing the 4th teeth from the bottom left( i dont know if that's correct) but anyways i have a gap that needs to be filled with something. To do that I have screw metal tube into my bone so I can place a fake tooth on top of the metal screw. However, my bone is too thin to screw the metal so i have to thinken the bone by cutting a piece of bone off from the bone where my wisten teeth was(so the jaw bone?) and place it to the area where it needs to be thickend~(how sexy) That's the surgery i had on this day~ It's basically like getting your wisdom teeth pulled out, so swollen cheeks, no solid food for a while and just sleep much as you can.

Sept 14~16
It was brutal, either I got weaker or I was just been stupid, I don't know what it is but I actually threw up 3 times on the 2nd day after my surgery. The first day I slept whole day without food or water so I knew I was weak so I tried eating yogurt very very slowly but few minute later I threw up... it's werid I was fine eating tofu before I had yogurt. After that I tried drinking soup but that didn't work either...... It was one of the disgusting day.... The 3rd time I was pure stressed and I threw up because of that~ bleh I didn't have problem when I had my wisdom teeth pulled out~

Sept 19~26
Still recovering, just recently I was able to eat solid food~ wohoo~ =) How I miss solid food~ I've been craving for Mc Donald fries~ haha But thank to the surgery I've lost 10 pound so now I'm back to my high school weight~ I'll try to keep it that way. Few of stitches came off and it's not so swollen anymore. The only thing is it still feels little numb cuz they scratched my nurb a little so that's gonna take the longest to heal. Other then I'm not used to having thick bone in my gap area.


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