November 30, 2014

Stripe T-shirt

Did a painting of a girl wearing stripe t-shirt used for main image for my website and this blog.

It's so sad to say, but this is my first painting I've done in 2014.
I look back to my work back in highschool where I used to draw every Sunday morning until evening and then get screwed at night not finishing my homework.

So next year, my new year's resolution is to at least do one painting a month!

stripe t-shirt
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November 17, 2014

Stripe Skirt

Looking at this photo, and staring at the window thinking summer is really over.

I made this over the summer that I totally forgot to share this. Fabric was bought at Fabricland using any simple A-line skirt pattern. I don't own skirts that much but this skirt is very comfortable to wear.

Summer, I'll see you next year!

stripe skirt

stripe skirt
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November 9, 2014

A Girl Walking In The Rain

Sharing this year's Halloween Costume. Tim had an idea to make "Connect the Dots" costume based from kid's activity of connect the dots pictures. I thought it was cute idea and it's good for people who needs last minute costumes.

All you need is cardboard covered with white paint (or grab white cardboard), scissors/knife, and black sharpie marker. It's better to go for simple iconic image like a person walking with a dog, a kid walking with a balloon or fisherman. I did a girl walking in the rain. 

Easy peasy Halloween costume that anyone can do it!
We entered another Coolest Homemade Costume Contest. Check out other submission other people made!

We also did a little photo shooting with our project. For mine we used our patio floor as our backdrop where I laid down on the ground posed and set my props then Tim took photo of it from second floor patio.

Connect the dots costume

-  X-Acto knife
- White cardboard OR brown cardboard and white paint to cover.
- Dots: Black Sharpie marker/Paint marker OR Black Round sticker/paper
- Duck tape or Glue gun ( if you need o attach anything)
- Pick your theme.

1. It's good to start off with a sketch on a piece of paper to brainstorm accessories you need. Just remember to keep the drawing iconic and simple.

A girl walking in the rain accessories:
- Umbrella
- Rain boots
- Bow(hair piece)

Optional decoration for photos:
- Clouds
- Teardrops

- Bucket Hat
- Fishing Vest
- Fishing Rod
- Fish

WIP : connect the dot costume

2. We spend extra time to paint the cardboard with white paint but you can always buy white cardboard at craft store to save time. For dots, decide on the size of the circle and cut out samples from papers from your recycling box(Circle Craft Punch will be handy here). Use them as guideline to place where dots should be.

NOTE : At least have an inch border around dotted lines so you have space to write numbers later on.

WIP : connect the dot costume

3. You can draw in some details to your accessories to give more information. To keep it simple dots are mainly used outline of the shape.

TIP : Sharpie Perm. Marker is good if you don't have too much accessories to make. But the amount we had, Sharpie Paint Marker was handy. Paint Marker are more opaque and quicker to color in circles. Another option is cut out circles with black construction paper and glue on the board.

WIP : connect the dot costume

WIP : connect the dot costume

WIP : connect the dot costume

4. Once dots are colored in, decided where the numbers starts. Keep in mind to write the numbers outside the dotted lines.

WIP : connect the dot costume

connect the dot costume: fisherman

connect the dot costume: a girl in the rain

What's next? Another costume idea, try Minion Carrying Banana Box Illusion
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November 2, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

Happy belated Halloween everyone!
This year's Halloween was not a pleasant weather to walk around joyfully. Coldness was easily forgotten when you're outside walking around to see other people's costume but soaked socks are not comfortable....
Here is my second attempt with pumpkin carving. Used same technique as last year stabbing each hole at a time.

How was your Halloween? 

pumpkin carving 2014

What's next?  You can do mini pumpkin carving using orange.
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All art work, images, and photographs in this blog cannot be used without permission by Yukiko Otsu. Any blog post are welcome to share but must be credited and linked to original post.