July 28, 2008

busy busy weekend

Very busy weekend this time 0_o Actually I'll be busy the whole Augest.... I'll pretty much be back in Markham every weekend of Augest so count me in when there's a plan!!

On Friday I dropped by Celine's to have her try her dress the last time. It fit well so it's ready to finialize the dress!! Then we spent most of the night talking about the decoration of the wedding and so~
It was about 12:30 when I left, I was suppose to hang out with Jen but by the time I called her she was already asleep.... Sorry Jen!

My mom was away to Japan so I was only able to eat instant noodle for brunch that my dad told me not to eat or else the men in the house will have no food until my mom is back. And they got me to go buy eggs and banana later today on Saturday...
I went to Fabricland to look around some fabrics and they got lots of pretty cute patterns in this season! I wanted all of them but I controlled myself to buy 1 yard of patched plaided fabric. It actually looks like the same fabric that J.crew was using for their shorts and summer dress. Is it just me?
Then I went to Home Depot to look for types of rope for the wedding. There's going to be flags hanging everywhere so we need a specific rope that suits the flags. Then went to Micheal's to see tea candle holder for table decoration.
In the evening I went to Red Lobster to celebrate Subhi's birthday. They had summer special and I had the Hawaii salmon meal. I've been avoiding Red Lobster so when I had it I actually didn't feel so well... -_- I really can't handle the greasy and buttery food.
I shoulda gotten smaller portion meal because I wanted to try their chocolate chip cookie ice cream for dessert. I think I'll go there this coming up weekend for dessert =) Anyone interested??

Sunday, Jen and I went to Celine's to work on the flag decoration. It was all cut and tracing going on all day~
The attention whore Mojo was keep coming in to the center sits down on the fabrics that we were working on. He's so adorable~!
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July 23, 2008

sneak peak~

A little peak of what I'm currently working on~ Surprizenly this only took 3 nights to do mine and Nav's top. I'm actually ready to make the skirt~! Exciting!!

Still have the bride's dress to work on, but it needs to be test fitted before I finalize it.
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July 15, 2008


I did this for Charles's friend's birthday~ It's been A WHILE doing fan art! I think last time I did was in high school, that's a really long time!
It's a character from one of my favorite manga: NANA

I used my time to make quick tutorial of how I painted it. I wish I have a programe that'll record my progress and post that up... Anyways the way how I paint it nothing special, I don't us any specific kind of tools to paint my girls.

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July 14, 2008

Friday + Saturday

This Friday I went to BriX for Charles's friends's birthday dinner. It's on the plaza where Bouton Rouge, go 4 Tea on Hwy7 and E Beavers Creek. I didn't really notice there was a resturant there. The food was pretty good. It's mixed culture food of European food with asian spices, but it was a little salty.
After the dinner we went to Charles's place and play Rock Band and Blazing Angels 2 which by the way is an awesome game!! If you love world war 2 planes, play this it's soooo fun. I'm not really a WW2 fan but it's like playing advance version of Star Fox 64 which I enjoyed playing a lot~
I thought I played all the Rock Band songs but I guess I didn't. There was this song I liked so much playing: Coheed and Cambria - Welcome home. I never pay attention to lyrics or the vocal part becuase I'm not a big fan of rock/metal's vocal voice but the music sounds so badass and it's so fun to play the guitar part!!!

On Saturday I meet up Celine to plan out her wedding. I'm almost done with her dress~ We had our last fitting with the top of her dress but I found out I still need to tighten the top side like good 2 inches more. The skirt is pretty much done, I just need to attach them with the top. It's looking very cute~!
Then we met up with Pan and had dinner, at Jap noodle~ Then we drove Celine to her eye doc and went to Benson's house. We played Banana Peel(I forgot what's it's called) It's basically no turnbase and time trial version of Scrabbles without a board. It was fun, simple and easy to to play to kill time.

Then we watched Wall-E at FMP. It was an adorable movie. It's like one of the most cute and innocent love movie ever.
The things I thought was it didn't have enough climax expectation. It kind goes up but it doesn't go high enough to the point where you think "oh shit, what's gonna happen??" It's also because after you find out the situation of why the humen are in space, you kinda get the basic idea on how it's going to end. And once you kinda predict it, the climax of the movie doesn't feel that intense. Then you start worrying about how it's going to end. I didn't want to see the humen are ready to go back to earth, do the time warp and then the credit shows up which I'm freak'n glad they didn't do that.
But I mean overall this is an amazing movie. I would definitly buy the dvd for it.
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July 10, 2008

the pursuit of happiness

I got into my 2nd book called "The pursuit of Happiness". After A Fine Balance I wanted to read something a little more easy to read. So I went to young adult section which they don't have that section anymore at Chapters, so I checked out award winning teens section. I remember I couldn't understand at all in high school but now I can manage to read anything now~ I got this one done less then a month ;) Yeppie~

There was a line that I liked in this book "Find what you're passionate about, the rest will follow". I remember my dad told me something like that when I was little~
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July 8, 2008

my eggling bloomed~

As some may know I got a eggling as a gift that I've been raising~ On my flickr you'll see the progress shots of it.

So this morning I was getting ready for work and I always go peek my eggling when I brush my teeth. The flower was pretty much ready to open up. It's interesting how the petals started as cool purple then gradually it changes to mangenta.

I come home from work then I see the flower widly opened! 0_o It's so pretty~!
I still got 6 more flowers to see them bloom~!

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July 1, 2008

meal 44

Here are my meal I made up~
All 3 has recipe so go try making them, it's really good ;) I recommand the salad~

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All art work, images, and photographs in this blog cannot be used without permission by Yukiko Otsu. Any blog post are welcome to share but must be credited and linked to original post.