Kiki's Paper Theater

Here is another kit I'm going through.

Got this lovely souvenir from my brother while back. 
Everything about it is so cute with all the details and the layers of paper creating new environment.

I didn't realize how easy this was to make, but I still took time to stare each paper to see how these were cut.

Kiki's Paper Theater

Kiki's Paper Theater

Kiki's Paper Theater

Kiki's Paper Theater

Kiki's Paper Theater

Kiki's Paper Theater

Kiki's Paper Theater

This black silhouette layer is my favorite layer piece. 

Kiki's Paper Theater

I had this Ikea's glass dome display for a while and happy to find its purpose, now I wish I bought more. These layering paper art builds dust badly so it def deserve a dust free space.

Kiki's Paper Theater


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