Street Fighter 4 inside cover art

It's a little late to post this but I submit my work to Capcom's Street Fighter 4 art Contest. My work is selected to their SF4 inside cover art for PS3 Collecor's Edition. XD Thank you for selecting my work! And thanks to Matt who notify me about this contest~ =)

I just played the game for the first time this weekend~ The game is addictive!! Best part is the challenge mode where they teach you useful combos, I actually like doing that than play the game ;)

I made few different wallpaper if you're interested using it~ =) Enjoy!

1280 x 1024


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Congratulations on being selected! I wish I got the collector's edition so I could have your art in my game case.

  2. I remember you saying you were working on this, but you never told me you were selected!!!!!!! Congratulations Yukiko! I am sooo happy for you! I know how hard you worked on this!!
    This is so cool! Because so many people are going to see this!!

  3. Congrats, Yukiko! Matt showed me a picture of the art inside one of the covers and it looked phenomenal!


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