tip: making your soup thicker without cream
Here are other ways to make your soup thicker without cream:
1. Almond: Throw ground almond in the soup, puree them together. It becomes nice and thick with rich flavoring. The soup becomes a little heavy though.
2. Potato: puree with soup you're making. It gives a little "starch" texture.
3. Bread: tear the bread into pieces toss them with the soup you're making. Let it soak for 15 min, puree the whole soup.
1. Almond: Throw ground almond in the soup, puree them together. It becomes nice and thick with rich flavoring. The soup becomes a little heavy though.
2. Potato: puree with soup you're making. It gives a little "starch" texture.
3. Bread: tear the bread into pieces toss them with the soup you're making. Let it soak for 15 min, puree the whole soup.
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