It's been 2 weeks having this bag~ You know where I got this? Super Store~ hahaha~ It's cute and simple isn't it ;) It's an awesome bag though. It's not too small for a purse and it's not too big for a luggage, it's good for going back to Toronto. And it's really good for putting my crafts =)The buttons are from xbox360's viva pinata characters~
So a long to my beautiful cell phone that I used for 8 years..... Meet my new cellphone. It was free so I can't really complain but SOOO GAY!!! I don't want any of these extra useless features..... I swear these extra animation crap takes up more battery man.I already miss my old cellphone.
All art work, images, and photographs in this blog cannot be used without permission by Yukiko Otsu. Any blog post are welcome to share but must be credited and linked to original post.
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