Happy super duper late New Year's Day!
Since mid December in 2024 my PC stopped booting and couldn't recover so I didn't have access to computer all this time.
I hope everyone had wonderful Holiday!
During the time with no PC I spent time making things as usual and had so much time to cleanup my home studio that I've been delaying for about a decade. Still working on it but hopefully I can have something to show soon!
So while I was gone offline, this is what I have done so far!
My usual Moleskine cover decoration!
I went to get leather paint to see how tough it is to use leather paint on leather surface. I hear this brand Angelus is well known for leather surface so I want to give it a try.
I've been wanting to do leather work from re purposing leather jacket into pouch or something small where I can use leather paint to put design on it. So this is a test run to see how durable this paint will last.
And this year, I would like to go through DIY kits that I purchased very long time ago!
I get excited when I buy these but most of the time I'm still in middle of project to complete something and then these guys get pushed back later and later and now it piled up too much where it's just sitting in my studio.
Soooooo, here is my first kit I completed!
Have you guys checked out Diana Watters Handmade? I bought this at OOAK(One of the Kind Show) I went few years ago.
Super easy to make, it's great start just to try out what it's like to cross stitch.